Artificial Intelligence is a little bit like the internet

  • Just like the internet gave birth to so many technologies, as a technology and platform, AI will do the same for next generation.

  • There are several tens of concepts under the umbrella term AI. Although many of us might only know of it as smart-features that we see and use in our phones and PC's.

  • Artificial Intelligence, in short, is when a machine is able to run tasks that would have otherwise required human supervision. In essence, that's most likely the rationale behind 'Intelligence' in AI. Sadly I wasn't there when the term was coined in 1950's, so it's hard to be sure.

So here some popular concepts that make AI as we know it:

I'll be writing all the articles on my medium, since it provides a much better reading experience. Don't worry all of these will be free for everyone to read, you don't need to make an account.